Saturday, August 1, 2020

Happy August!

Summer is almost over and it's still so hot you can't do anything
outside.   We've been in a heatwave for the last
week or so.  It's regularly 30 Celcius but with 
the humidex it's over 40.  
We are supposed to dig up the garlic but it's just too
hot!  Plus there's no rain.  
Tomorrow we are getting up at 6am to dig up the garlic
hopefully it will be cool enough.  

Even with Covid things are still busy around here.
Nova Scotia is doing well.  We've gone over 2 weeks with no 
cases in the province.  But then some people came in from 
another province and we had a few cases.
We were almost at 2 weeks again when 
someone came in from another province and now we have two cases.
It seems like we are just going to have to learn to 
live with it.  
Being not very densely populated area we are fortunate.
We never had a case in this area yet.

But that's all I'm going to say about Covid.

I'm just finishing a week of vacation.
We went to the Oak Island Inn and Marina but our tickets for our 
Oak Island tour had been cancelled.
We went on the mini vacay anyway.
Just to get away from it all for a bit.

The garden started slow, but things are ramping up.
I had to plant my yellow beans twice but they are finally
producing.  We ate some yesterday.  
The carrots are doing awesome.

I'm having a cold cellar built to store everything in there.
The potato plants are beautiful so hopefully there's 
potatoes under the soil so I can put in my cold cellar.
The spaghetti squash is coming along nicely.
We've eaten a few feedings of peas.  

But my radish and lettuce have gone to seed.
That's okay.  I'll save the seeds for next year.
My herb garden is gone wacko!!

The greenhouse is doing well also.  As you can see, my watermelon
is growing! 

So this year I've been drying even more herbs
than I did last year.
And a friend of mine dries wild rose petals for tea.
So I did that also.

My spinach was going to bolt so I dehydrated, crushed it and 
I'll use it in smoothies this winter.  I have a full 
bottle of spinach.  This was only at the beginning of
my experiment.

One interesting thing we did this year is with our garlic scapes is
dehydrate them and crush them to create garlic scape powder.

We also had a camera crew  (ok, one guy because of Covid)
come and interview us regarding our bees and gardens.
It was pretty cool.

The only thing was that it was the hottest day this year and poor
Dave had to get in his bee suit and show the bees.
He  had to go change clothes after because he
was soaking wet with sweat!

Last night my mom and dad came over to play radio
bingo. It was finally cooling off.

And Grenouille likes the heat.  She was panting like crazy and instead of 
getting out of the sun, she'd just pant some more.
So I put her on the stool beside me so she could cool off.

We went a few weeks ago to some public gardens and it was gorgeous.
Our friends took our picture.

Well that's the summer update so far.
I hope things keep going well.

Have a Blessed Day

1 comment:

  1. We missed the scapes this time, but I collected the little "seeds" (or whatever you call them) and I've been crushing them & using them like teeny-tiny cloves of garlic. I wish I had the patience to dry & powder all that stuff like you did.....there's always next year :)


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