Friday, August 14, 2009

School daze are almost here! Aug 14

I've just finished our putting our son's name on ALL his school supplies. Even down to the last pencil. Every coloured pencil, every eraser, everything. Ugh.

Today was a hot day. 100 degrees. Well that was at work. I think it was hotter at home. It usually is. I left the goats in the barn today. It's cooler in there.

I'm off the weekend!!! Yay!!! But I have so much to do that I'm overwhelmed. Tonight we had a bonfire to go to for the Sunday school picnic, but I was knackered. Tomorrow I have the Sunday school picnic, the tintamarre, I also want to go to Fort Anne, pick yellow beans, go to the farmer's market AND go to the bottle depot. Think I'll get it all in? I think not. Then Sunday we have a birthday party in the afternoon a family reunion all day, but it's 2 hours drive away, church and the closing of the Sunday school picnic. Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it.

Febe's milk supply has gone down alot and I'm not sure why. I thought maybe it was too hot outside so I left her inside today, but that didn't help. I'm down to barely a litre in the morning and the same at night. Not good.

It was a rough day at work today. I didn't realize how stupid some people can be. I knew there were a few screws loose out there, but my land! It took an hour to explain to a customer why he couldn't get his paint for free. I am not exaggerating. It seriously took an hour. I was so tired after that that I just wanted lay down and cry.

Well best not complain about my job, at least I have one.

Have a Blessed day!


  1. You do sound like your plate is full!
    You asked what kind of goats I have. I have Nubians.

  2. I thought they were Nubians,but I wasn't sure. I have a hard time distinguishing between Nubians and Boers.


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