Monday, August 10, 2009

Grocery woes!

Today we woke up to rain. Who knew? It was giving rain all day so I didn't plan any outdoor chores, but it ended up only raining for an hour.

Our son started day camp for the week. It was his first time and he loved it! I'm so glad.

I wonder, when the experts say that it's cheaper to eat healthy, have they ever tried it? I doubt it! We went grocery shopping today. We go every 2 weeks and even though we buy no meat, chicken, pork, eggs or milk our bill was over 250$!!!!! Some days I wonder how are we ever going to survive? And by "we" I mean the middle class. We get no help from the government and our wages don't go up. But we just trudge along hoping to someday see the light at the end of the tunnel.

While at the grocery store I met up with my friend, Faye. She's having problems with blackberry plants. They have run rampant on their property. She asked if I wanted any. Dave and I thought for a moment as where to put the blackberry canes. We've figured out where we would put them, but now I'm trying to figure out where am I going to find the time to go get them and plant them! I'm going to put them in the far back of the property just in case they decide to go bonkers.

For supper we had our own homegrown chicken and yellow beans. It feels good the eat what you've raised yourself, without the interference of anyone else.

Mondays are my days off. Or as I call them "my unpaid work days". Because I think I work more on Mondays than I do any other day. Mondays are usually "clean sheet" day for our beds and "clean the goat pen day" Well I didn't have time for either one today, so it'll have to wait till tomorrow.

I tried my hand at home-made granola today in the slow cooker (who knew?). It's delicious! It saves burning it in the oven, like the last time I tried it a few years ago. I got the recipe from fellow "goat" people.

So far nothing from Charlotte. But Dave went to see her tonight and give her a rub, but she was grouchy. That is not usually her. She's a very docile and friendly pig. So she must be getting close. Our son is just beside himself. When he got home from day camp, he was so disappointed because she still hadn't given birth.

Well I have to go to bed. Soccer ran really late and I'm pooped. It's very tiring watching a bunch of 8-9 year olds run around on a soccer field!

Have a Blessed Day!

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