Saturday, December 27, 2014

It's the Most Busiest Time of the Year!!!

Before Christmas was a busy time, ok busier than usual.

Our Christmas tree farmer friend called and said he had trees for us!


So off to the woods we went. It was one of the only weekends we had snow this year.
It was so pretty, but alas, it didn't last long.

I had to sit on the trees so Dave could strap them down.

Then I had this brain wave to take Jamie's stuffed toys that were in the attic still in perfect condition and bring them to Tideview Terrace, where Dave's parents are living now.

So Dave dressed in Santa and we brought Emilie as his sidekick.  I had enough toys for the houses where both his parents are living. That's 18 toys.  Next year I want to collect enough for all the houses. There's ten houses with 9 residents in each "house". So I have to collect 90 stuffed toys!!!

I've already begun going to thrift stores to buy gently used ones. I've got around a dozen. The hard part will be finding boxes to wrap them all.

But it'll be worth it! The residents loved it! The houses we didn't have toys for we went to visit anyway just to say Ho Ho HO!  I'm not sure who they loved more, Santa or Emilie.

Santa and his helper. I've found her an elf costume for next year.

Santa and "his dad".

Santa and "his mom".

Have a Blessed Day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Giant Marshmallow

Well I think Daisy is gonna be a keeper.

We got two giant marshmellows and a round bale of hay. We have to go get the other bale soon.

I've never had a giant marshmellow, but the cows seem to like it. The goats aren't too fussy for it.

Woody is too small for freezer camp and I don't want to keep him all winter, but we found someone that will buy him. He's going to pick him up soon. We're trading him for pork.

Dave went to the dairy where we bought Daisy and Woody and asked if it was okay if Daisy didn't go to freezer camp and if it was okay if we bred her.

They said it wasn't an issue and they'd even come and artificially inseminate her when the time came!

How cool is that!

They also said she wasn't a twin, which is good and that she's either Holstein/ Black Angus or Holstein/Limousine.  I think Angus.

We put a collar on her and she wasn't too happy, but she'll survive. 

I'm on vacation for the next week so I'm going to work on leading her around.

Daisy and her new bling.

Well we are still waiting for winter to show up. It's great in a way since the water outside still hasn't frozen yet so I don't have to drag water and the chickens are laying like there's no tomorrow, but it's very muddy.

I mean here it is Christmas eve and the lawn is full of nightcrawlers.
It's also not very festive. 
I think we've had one sprinkling of snow so far and it didn't last long. 

Tomorrow for Christmas we are expecting a Nor'easter. 70-80mm of rain. Yuck.

Simonne and Emilie want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hopefully snow soon!!!

Have a Blessed Evening.