I thought that I'd post this nice and peaceful picture of a magnolia blossom from my tree this spring before I start to rant. I'm not quite sure how to start this post. I'm just so ticked off at just about everything in general. First of all I hope I don't insult anyone because this is not my intention. I just want to give my opinion somewheres. And since it's MY blog this is as good a place as any.
It all started at the end of August. This year I had to go sign a contract with the daycare. They have decided to change alot of things. We used to be allotted 2 sick days a month.. that if I was sick or the child was sick, doctor appointments etc... we didn't have to pay. Well that's gone.
J. is only there 2 days a week, they said it was fine for this year, but next year if it gets busier I'll either have to pay for the whole week or he can't go! I told them, when this is the case, he won't go because I can't afford to send him there all week. I don't make much at work and between gas and daycare it wouldn't be worth it to send him there. Next summer even if we give them plenty of notice (like a few months) I still have to pay for our vacation weeks even if he's not there. They say this is to "save" his spot. Well when he's not there they can take other kids and make more money. But the best one is if he's scheduled for a certain day and that day falls on a statutory holiday (in our province we have 5 paid statutory holidays) even though they are closed I have to pay for the entire day!!!!!!The kicker is that "they" have 8 "statutory holidays". So 3 of these days my work is closed, I don't get paid and I have to still dish out daycare for them even though they're closed!!!! Am I the only one that sees anything wrong with this picture?
When I confronted the director about this she said,"My employees work hard and they deserve all this." Yeah well I work hard too and I'm going deeper and deeper in the red!! I'm paying for a service I cannot get. I said to her "It's kinda like if you didn't have power in your house for a whole day and the power company still charged you for it. How would you feel?" I was so mad when I left her office I was on the verge of tears.
The problem with all this is that all daycares in this province have the same rules so I can't change. Well I can't change daycares because that's the only one around here.
I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. We are trying to make ends meet, yet they seem to be getting farther and farther apart. Our wages stay the same yet everything else is going up.
Then yesterday J. had a cold and he needed cough drops. So I send him off to school and told him I'd go get some and drop them off to him since it was my day off. So I get there at around 10am. I give the cough drops to the secretary and ask her to give them to J. I also ask her to give him his cold medication and tell him to take it at noon. She said, I'm sorry but that's not possible. We aren't allowed to give any kind of medicine to the students and they aren't allowed to take it.
I said" I did it last year all the time.I'd send a note to the teacher saying he had permission to do so and I never had a problem."
She said " He's not allowed any medication in his backpack at all. Some other student might go in his back pack , steal it and take it."
I sooo wanted to say something to this, like someone else shouldn't be IN HIS BACKPACK... but this is a very nice secretary, so I didn't want to get snotty with her.
So I ask" What happens if he needs a certain kind of medicine everyday? (eg.. antibiotics etc...)
She told me that "I'd have to leave work to come administer this medication to him."
ARGHHHHH!!!!! So I'd have to leave work drive 20 minutes ONE WAY, give him his medecine and drive back, with only 30 minutes for lunch. What is wrong with this picture?
I sooooo want to be a stay at home mom. I need something that will bring in an income so I can stay at home with my family so I can stay away from all this beauracracy. (i know that's misspelled)
This is just driving me nuts!!
I need another vacation.
Ok I am now going to get down from my soapbox now.