Sunday, September 27, 2009

This little piggie went to market part 2

It's been a loooong weekend. We had our annual yardsale at work. We started at 5 am and we were done at 6pm!!No breaks. My legs were numb from the knees down. My heal spur is beyond repair now. Ouch!!!

I got home and had to chop up veggies for my epicure party today. I'm going to start selling Epicure to make a little extra spending money.

This morning I was leading worship at church, but the minute I was done I had to slip out to meet the lady that was going to do my party. I don't like skipping out on church. Maybe that's why I didn't get too many people at the party, God is punishing me for skipping out on church early. Hmmmm...

While I was having my party, Dave was saying see ya to this piglets. Six went to their new homes today. Charlotte is confused and sad I think.

Our pastor gave us some of his old laying hens. They are a bit rough looking, but they won't look it in the stew pot. Stewing hens make the best chicken fricot. Roosters are even better.

The leaves are turning everywhere you look. I said this morning in church that it's like God is going nuts with his paint brush. There were a few trees on the way to church that looked like decorated Christmas trees. They were half brilliant green and half vibrant red. It was beautiful.

I love fall.
Have a Blessed Evening


  1. I love fall also. I can't wiat till we have a good freeze so that some of the bugs go away.

  2. Yeah, I always feel a little bad for the mama's when we've sold their babies.

    Next month we're going to wean our baby calf and I've been told they cry and cry for their mama, making you feel like a real meanie.

    Most of our chickens are about five years old and not laying but every few days. My hubby has been talking about doing them up for the stew pot. Do you have a good recipe?

  3. I do a chicken fricot. It's an Acadian chicken stew with Rappie pie dumplings. It's almost impossible to explain how to do it. It's a recipe that's over 150 years old so it's just been shown from generation to generation. Locally you can buy the rappie pie dumplings, but not anywhere else. Sorry.


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