Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We went to Halifax yesterday to pick up some school clothes and accessories and got home late. I was all in a panic because I'm thinking J. has got to get to bed early so he can be up bright and early for his first day of school today. So I rush him through teeth brushing, no bed time snack quick quick quick, go, go go! Get him in bed by 9:30 pm. Not good. He's usually in bed by 7:30. So then I sit down to relax when a goat friend calls. I tell her hubby that I just got back from the city and that J. is not impressed to start school tomorrow. He said, "Well I should hope that he's not impressed, the first day of school is Wednesday, not Tuesday!" ARGH!!!! I have too much on the go. Dave tiptoes in J.'s room and tells him that school wasn't starting Tuesday only Wednesday. J. says, "Oh, I praying to God that school didn't start Tuesday. He answered my prayers!" Too cute.
Dave tattooed and tagged the piggies today. He had to get help from Ron, his brother in law. What a job. Some people came to visit their little piggie today.

It's giving a frost for tonight. Not good. Well really I have nothing left in the garden anyway. I do have the grapes and pumpkins to worry about. We usually don't have a frost till October. This is kinda early.

I stuck my head in the meat king's pen today and I just cannot believe how much they have grown in just a few weeks.

We went to the ostheopath yesterday, all three of us. I use to have a lot of faith in her, but this time, it all just seemed strange to me. I'm not sure why.

Well I have to go and do a few chores so I'll be
ready to watch one of my favourite shows, 18 kids and counting.

Oh and Roxie is still farting!

Have a Blessed evening.

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so." Proverbs 3:27


  1. Did you change the dogs food? or is she a garbage gut and eats things that should not be eaten?
    How nice for God to answer your kids prayer so fast.

  2. I hate it when life gets so busy you forget important things like what day school starts. I once forgot to pick my child up from school and felt guilty for a long time. I knew there was something I was forgetting, but what? DUH! Do you have your piglets sold before they get to butcher weight? How does that work?

  3. Roxie isn't a garbage gut, but when we feed her pork, watch out!!!! And stupid me I gave her some more tonight.

  4. We are keeping 2 piglets for meat. (I know that sounds mean) And the others are all sold at 6-7 weeks old. We sell them 100$ unregistered and 200$ registered. They're purebred Berkshire pigs. Not just your run of the mill weaner pigs. The meat is extremely tender. Every cut is like filet minon. I hope that's what you meant.

  5. How nice to get an extra unexpected day! My boys would have really appreciated that.

    It is starting to get chilly here at night too, but hope we don't have a frost for a couple weeks yet.

  6. We ended up not having a frost. For which I am very thankful.


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