I want to introduce all of you in bloggerland to my new best friend! Please meet......
Ms. Belly Milker |
She's come into my life this last week. Really it was quite unexpected. We were first informed of her existence by our wonderful vet...Dr. MacHattie...goat god extraordinaire. He informed us that a retired lady (retired from the wonderful, exciting world of goats) was selling her. By my standards she was rather expensive. She wanted $750 for her. I know, by the time we would have paid shipping, duty, taxes etc...Ms. Milker would have set us back $2500 new. That was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy out of our ballpark. To the moon!!! So new was not an option. But this species is very rare to come by gently used.
So after examining, hemming and hawing, putting her on and off, checking her innards etc...we asked if she'd take $700 for her. She was reluctant, but she liked us so she agreed. We loaded her up in the trunk and off I went to my doctors appointment.
The story behind the doctor's appointment goes like this. I've had lots of pain in my left wrist for years now. At first the dr thought it was osteoporosis but nothing would show up in the bone density tests. A month ago I went for some x-rays. My Dr. said that they had found cysts all around my wrist bones. So off I went to an orthopedic surgeon for a consultation.
It turns out they think I've got stage 2 Kleinboch's disease. It's nothing overly serious and it's not because I'm getting older (which is an excuse I love to use) because it actually affects people 18-40 years old. They don't know why people get it. Most of the time it's because of an injury and the blood flow gets cut to the bones, but I've never had an injury on my wrists. So for now I get to go for a CT scan, I get a splint and drugs. When I hit stage 4 (which could be several years from now) and it's the final stage then I get to go for surgery and have my wrist bones fused together. Lovely. It could be worse.
So guess what!? I need to stop milking, I also need to stop handling paint cans, but that's not going to happen anytime soon, unless I win the lottery. And I don't play the lottery.
So with the Henry Milker I still had to pump occasionally. So I'm going to try and sell it. The goats don't seem to mind. Ms. Milker. Which is good. It takes a good 3 minutes to milk a goat. It's also more sanitary than the Henry Milker. Lots less to clean, so lots less to miss old milk in tubing. yuck.
She works like a charm. That's all that matters. The goat is barely on the stand that it's done. You gotta love it.
The soap business is getting busier and I don't have time to make any. I have Dave making my soap instead. Not only do we go to the farmer's market, now a lady is going to a ladies conference and she wants to bring 30+ bars to sell. She won't even take a cut. So I have to get my butt in gear.
Tomorrow Dr. MacHattie is coming to fix Pisnak's scur. We're not sure what happened there. It's not good. I'll keep you posted.
Have a Blessed evening.