Monday, September 26, 2011

At the end of my rope!

Oh my word!! What a week it's been.

We got the results of the CAE testing and things were not what we expected. Tomi was negative, Febe was positive. That I expected. But the surprise being that Cindi was positive also!! That I was not happy. She was supposed to be from a CAE negative herd! I'm so mad at that that I cannot even talk about it.

I've been giving Febe supplements from Fiasco farm but they aren't working. This morning I actually thought I had to get her put down. She couldn't get up. It was so sad. Her hooves are bad also. We're not sure if the CAE is putting her feet out of line so much that her hooves are curling and causing her pain. Or if the hooves are just bad because they were never well taken care of from the get go and it's making her pain worse. Dunno.

So today I called the vet and we had a long talk. He's going to email me the new findings about CAE so I can email them to the former owners of Cindi Lou. Then I asked him if I could up the dosage on the glucosamine and the MSM. He said I could at least double it. Goats are not like humans and other animals, they sometimes don't absorb the supplements well like regular one stomach creatures, so he said for me to leave the glucosamine dosage the way it is but to up the MSM dosage. I guess MSM is a natural pain killer. It will take up to 3 weeks to take effect but it should work. He said his parents use it and it works wonders. If this doesn't work, then I have to resort to Blaut. I think that's what it's called. It's a horse pain killer, but you cannot drink the milk after. The kids could but humans can't because it would be like drinking milk laced with aspirin, tylenol and advil. Not a good thing. But headaches would be totally gone!

The sad thing is that after the signs of CAE become apparent, you can breed her one more time and then it's done. She needs to be retired. That was our original plan in the first place. So we are going to breed her one last time and whatever girls she gets (hopefully twin girls) we're going to keep. I am so sorry I sold Azelle. I contemplated on keeping her, but like Dave said, we wanted a black doe.

But going on to happy news, I was asked back this summer to speak on our farm and why we started in the soap making business to a group of ladies called La Societe Madelaine LeBlanc. So Thursday night, off I went with power point presentation and all my soaps to speak to these ladies. I was nervous as all git out! Yes, I used to be worship leader in church, but this was different. But they even gave me supper! So I gave my speech and they loved it!! They asked questions and everything. Then they swooped down on my soap and bought over 170$ worth of soap in 10 minutes!! Vultures they were. My problem now lies in that I have no more of my best seller! They wiped me out. Usually I'd be super happy about this, don't get me wrong I am happy, but on Thanksgiving weekend (two weeks from now), we were asked to go to a fall craft fair in Digby and it takes over 3 weeks to cure! Ack!! Oh well, I've been making soap this last weekend. Every day! If they buy it, I'll just have to tell them not to use it for a few weeks.

Finished product, just a bit of cleaning up to do.

Have a Blessed Evening

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooooo sorry to hear about the CAE test results! My first doe was "supposed" to be from a CAE negative herd, but of course being a novice and too nice, I didn't know to ask for papers / test results. Although she has not shown any signs of it, I noticed just this summer that her two daughter's knees are making little clicking sounds. Not sure if that's a symptom of CAE or not, and they are not showing any signs of pain, but it has me worried & I think I may have to have them all tested now just so I know.

    Sorry to vent about MY CAE story. I do hope that you get a couple of doelings out of her though and that she can live the rest of her life (whatever that may end up being) at your place in somewhat contentment.


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