Monday, June 6, 2011

Ouest-Ville Perennials and garden planting.

Well Saturday was a fantabulous, but cold day. It was my first day at the farmer's market. It was sooooo cold and it wasn't too busy, but I managed to sell soap and Epicure. So if I'm doing well now, I'm hoping when the weather gets better and the tourists show up I'll do even better!

Then after the market was done it was off to Ingomar (about 2 hours from our house) to get my custom made whirly gig Dave had ordered for me. A woman milking a goat! It's so cute.

Then we stopped at an old friend's house in Pubnico. I hadn't seen her in years!! Like I mean over 12 years! Alice owns a garden business. The last time I had been there it had just opened. It was just tiny. Now it's a booming, thriving business. I'm so happy for her! Check out her website. Ouest-ville Perennials

We chatted, and then had a photo session with her photographer friend, Margie. We had a good laugh, because neither one of us are good at having our photo taken. It took at least 15 shots to kinda get a nice one. But it was fun.

We left her place around 6pm and stopped at another friend's house, not far from Alice's house. We met last year when she got some kids disbudded at our house. She also has sheep. Mary (had a little, gave us a demo in sheep herding. They train herding dogs. It was amazing I had never seen that before. The dog brought that flock of sheep right to us. Amazing.

Then we came home had a plate of nachos and went to bed exhausted.

Yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and plant the gardens. Mud or no mud. It had to be done. So I started yesterday. I got the lettuce, peas, beans and beets done.

Then today I finished with carrots, more peas, pumpkins and half a kg of sunflowers!!

I also planted my tomato plants while the chickens were out. Not a smart move. It was a hard go planted a garden, making rows while sinking to your ankles.

But it's done. Hopefully they'll grow.

Cute animal picture of the week.

Have a Blessed Day.


  1. Sounds like a busy weekend! Have you been over this way yet?

  2. Congrats on your sales at the Farmers Market! Always exciting to sell at the shows or markets!

    I hope your garden takes off for you!

  3. Deb,

    We are only going in July.

  4. Cool temps up in your neck of the woods, eh?
    Happy that your soap is selling well, that must be rewarding for you. Good luck w/your garden.


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