Monday, February 21, 2011

High Tide

One of the marvels in our neck of the woods are the world's highest tides (and you thought it was my very own Red Green!)

Low Tide in Weymouth

Pictures cannot do them justice but I'm going to post high and low tide photos anyway.

Their power is awe inspiring!

High Tide in Weymouth

People have been known to get lost on the beaches around here. If it's low tide and they're by the water, then the fog sets's a very dangerous situation. The tide comes in (and it comes in fast) the person gets disoriented. Not good.

Scientists have discovered a good way to use the power of the tides.

It's just amazing.

Well we've gotten business cards for the soap business and Dave ordered a banner. Isn't it cool! It's on the same principal as the business cards.

Have a Blessed Day



  1. I like your card! Very nice. Up in Alaske we had very high and low tides, and you're right, they can be very dangrous. People have died because of them.

  2. Those are some amazing tides and what a cool video from Nova Scotia. So many awesome alternatives for energy. Love your business cards too-they look awesome :)

  3. Love your business cards and banner. They got a little touch of old world charm in them. Really compliments the soap!

  4. Your business cards are wonderful! Fog and tides are scary.

  5. Wow!!! Thats cool and A little scary!

  6. Awesome. If I ever get enough surplus milk, I want to have a go at soapmaking.


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